Severe Problem Behavior Management

Severe Behavior Services: Taking a Multidisciplinary Approach on Intensive Case Management for Individuals with Profound Autism and Other Diagnoses
Past research has shown that individuals with autism and other diagnoses could benefit from ABA intervention. Although ABA services are often provided in the individual’s home, individuals with profound autism and other diagnoses might require more than traditional in-home ABA intervention.
Profound autism is a relatively new term not yet adopted by most clinicians and researchers nor defined by diagnostic manuals or tools; however, it is a term that is being used to describe individuals with autism who require 24-hour support throughout their lives. The current presentation includes three participants with various referral concerns, such as, self-injurious behavior, property destruction, aggression, and encopresis. Prior to starting treatment, an intensive case management team collaborated with other professionals to address barriers to access ABA treatment (e.g., housing, transportation, legal matters, and access to other health professionals). These results highlight the importance of intensive case management as a vessel to address environmental and ecological barriers for ABA treatment.
Learning objectives
Objective 1
The attendees will define “multidisciplinary” approach
Objective 2
The attendees will identify at least three social determinants of health (SDOH) on autism treatment outcomes
Objective 3
The attendees will identify at least three different ways on intensive case management for individuals with profound autism